
We have activities adapted to all ages and at all levels.




Climbing baptism

If you have never climbed and want to taste the different types of climbing that we can practice in our room, this activity is for you. Includes day pass to stay climbing if you run out of strength after baptism!

Duration : 1 directed one-hour session.

Content : We will explain how the room works, as well as the basic rules and safety tips. We will warm up and practice rope climbing or bouldering and rope climbing at our climbing wall.

Price : € 25 with material included.

* € 5 discount for members.

Be sure to arrive at the room 15 minutes early, and fill out the informed consent online .


*Reservations on

Saturdays and Sundays starting at 11:00.

Fundamentals of climbing

Not sure where to start climbing? This is a good way, after this session there will be no one to stop you! Includes day pass in case you run out of energy when you’re done!

Duration : 2 sessions of one hour directed.

Content : We will explain how the room works, as well as the basic rules and safety tips. You will learn how to do a specific warm-up for climbing as well as basic techniques and movements. You will also learn to stretch at the end of the sessions.

Price : € 40 with material included.

* € 5 discount for members.

Be sure to arrive at the room 15 minutes early, and fill out the informed consent online.

*Reservations on

Monday and Wednesday at 19:00.

All levels


Targeted training groups

The ideal choice for climbers of all levels who want to progress and do so in the most enjoyable and enriching way, with other teammates. The monitor will squeeze the best out of you in each session. The groups are adapted by levels.

Level 1 : Novice climbers looking to train under the direction of specialized personnel.

Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8 pm.

Level 2 : Climbers who have a certain level and want to fine-tune and structure their climbing sessions well. It will help you achieve your goals in the short, medium or long term.

Tuesday and Thursday from 8.10 pm to 9.40 pm.

Check availability and schedules

Our activities


Our room is also a space for children. We have routes designed specifically for children of all ages from 4 years. We adapt the prey and the movements to their stature and size and we look for them not only to have a good time, but also to gain in self-confidence, coordination, balance and decision-making. Boys and girls can climb with monitors through our activities, do it as a family or can be supervised by an adult (free entry is allowed for an accompanying adult).

See our form for minors to save time on entry.

Extra curricular

We offer extracurricular activities regularly during the school calendar from Monday to Friday. This activity is aimed at children from 4 to 12 years old and we adapt the content of the sessions to each age and level. We seek a balance between sport and leisure, we want children to enjoy climbing. The goal is to improve not only your physical but also your mental abilities and instill values related to our sport and life in general, values of camaraderie, generosity, empathy, ecology as well as the culture of effort.

Monday to Thursday

5.30pm to 6.30pm.

Check availability


We organize an hour-long activity for children who want to come and celebrate their birthday in our room. After the activity you can blow out the candles in the lounge cafeteria.

Check availability and schedules


Did you know that you can also come to the room for a family activity? It is a great way to enjoy our sport and at the same time strengthen ties. Doing a climbing session together where you will have to help each other, take care of yourself, where you will release endorphins and you will have to solve the problems together is ideal for strengthening family relationships. To encourage this, we have our reduced family rates, check it out here.



Family baptism


It is a course aimed at families who want to get into the world of climbing. You will learn how the room works and the safety tips, as well as the basic techniques and movements through the game.


Duration: 2 hours.


Content: The operation of the room, the rules and safety tips will be explained. We will then learn how to play the basic techniques of climbing, a fun-filled session that will allow you to come and climb together whenever you want.


Price: 20 € per person with material included.

* € 5 discount for members.


Remember to arrive in the room 15 minutes before the activity and fill out the informed consent online for adults and children.


*Reservations on


Friday at 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday at 12:00.


Team building

The activity designed for companies. We organize an activity for your staff, with the aim of enriching teamwork, making joint decisions, mutual trust and strengthening their team spirit and belonging to the company.

For more information send an email to

Educational centers

Activities for schools

We organize activities adapted to schools, institutes and other educational centers. If you are interested in doing an activity in the room from your center, do not hesitate to contact us and we will inform you of the possibilities and rates.


Monday to Friday: 9.30 am to 10 pm.

Saturdays and Sundays: 10:00 – 20:00.



934 312 340


Carrer Barcelona 1E
Gavà, 08850


620 940 584

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